Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I suck in miniature golf!

Well, urgently I have to do an update of this blog before an entire month has passed since my last post...
Thursday, the 1st of May was a holiday here in Sweden as it was in many other European countries, so me and my roommate Patrick also took the Friday off to have a long weekend. We headed north from Stockholm to the Siljan Lake (GoogleMap). Before that we have taken turn through the cities of Uppsala (where a big student party was going on), Falun and Gävle. The cities were pretty nice, especially Uppsala with its universities, the castle and the old town. In Gävle the most exciting was a wonderful shaped miniature golf course (see picture). It was also the first day of the season, therefore the synthetic turf was in best shape and the paint seemed still to be wet. In an exciting game I beat my competitor with an impressive final result of 56:67 (how bad was that?). A nice feature was the hole at the end of the course. It leads directly to the house of the house keeper (or however you like to call him) through subterranean pipe line ... so, no jerk will play a second round for free. I think, I have to write a post some time about the progressive thinking of Swedes when it comes to simplification. So many examples have already crossed my way here and I was asking myself why nobody has thought about this in my home country yet. As soon as I retire, (if this will ever happen) I wanna be in charge of such a miniature golf course. With good taint in the face all summer I will standing around all day long and shouting at people who do not play correct at my course.
Of course, there is also something more interesting than golf here in Sweden. What about the UNESCO World Heritage in Falun, the old cooper mine? Well, it is pretty interesting if you walk around the city and all of a sudden you are staring in this big hole. Unfortunately, there was no proper time for a tour through the mine that day, so we left after a while ... but nice, pretty pretty nice.
Beside of some sunny moments as you can see it on the upper picture, the weather was not always good. We have taken a tour around the lake and got a good impression about it, but if it is cold and rainy it is not really fun to be outside all the time. Friday evening, when we were standing outside at the youth hostel in Leksand, we've just look at each other and just decided to drive back home. The weather in Stockholm was much better the next days. I even hung out in the sun for quite a long time, beside of the usual program such as climbing or other sport.

What else? My good friend Dominik came to Stockholm in the end of April for the weekend. We had a pretty good time exploring different parts of the city, such as the harbor, the old town and the castle.
The highlight was probably the buffet at the vegetarian restaurant Hermitage (Stora Nygatan 27, Google Map). After two hours of eating from the buffet, free coffee and additional cake we felt really sick, but happy. We continued our tour and ignored the pains in our stomaches. Thank you, Dominik, for stopping by! Good time as always!

I think, that's it for now. I'll continue with a review about the movie "Semi-Pro" in my next entry and a short story about my trip to the Stockholm archipelago last weekend.

- Ipod
- Larry David & Curb your enthusiasm

- Foreign bank transfer

Songs for this post:
Depeche Mode - It's No Good
Only Living Witness - Voice of Disrepair (MySpace)

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