Sunday, May 18, 2008

Stockholm archipelago

Given the current situation of a rainy weekend I have to remember to the good weather we had a week ago. Me and my roommates escaped the crowded city of Stockholm and we have taken a boat out to the archipelago. For everyone, who comes to Stockholm I strongly recommend to go there, because this is a must-see, especially if you have an additional day here and you are tired of sightseeing within the city. It shows you that Stockholm is more than just the old-town, museums and fancy shopping streets. We took the boat pretty early and headed towards the Baltic Sea passing hundreds of islands. Even on the smallest islands you can see small hidden cottages. I really would like to have such a wooden "sommarstuga" and to spend the summer months in the "Skärgården". We have been dropped off at an island called Grinda and spent there several hours hiking in the forest, climbing up to the highest point of the island to have a exciting view on the surrounding islands, relaxing in the sun and ... not to forget having "fika" (having a coffee-break). I'm sure I will go to another island in the archipelago in the next weeks.

Here some pics:

If anyone is interested to come to Stockholm and visit me here ... you are welcome, just drop me a line!

- Vikings
- Bouldering

- Rainy weekends

Song for this post:
Morrissey - Speedway & The youngest was the most loved (MySpace)

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