Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Mitch Clem

Today I ran into a webpage of a guy called Mitch Clem, who is a drawer of several comic series, which are mainly published online. He will also publish a book of comic series 'Nothing nice to say' in late 2008.

One of his comic series is called 'My stupid life'.
An autobiographical comic about his fiancee and him.

'Nothing to say' is his longest running project and covers s
tories and jokes featuring a bunch of punk kids from Minneapolis going to shows, playing in a band, hanging out at the coffee shop, etc.
Click on the pictures to enlarge!

Check it out, if you like. These comics are hilarious and I was laughing my ass off for an entire hour!

Gorilla Biscuits - s/t
The Hope Conspiracy - Death Knows Your Name ... fuck, such a good record!

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