Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Going home...

Well, today I am going home back to Munich. It is always weird to leave a place where you stayed for such a long time. I have had good times, but also bad times, many great experiences, but less disappointments. I always thought before that I got stuck here in this city or the country, but it wasn't that way. Maybe I am restless, maybe it was just not the right time or place. I'll keep on walking, because I have faith & hope! I close a chapter and open a new one. One the hand it is said to leave, but on the other hand I am happy. I had a good time and it has helped me lot in my personal development and now I can see a lot of stuff from a different perspective. In addition to this, I got to know great people and got some new friends.
I'll keep you updated how my life back in Munich turns out to be.

Music: Jimmy Eat World - Clarity

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