Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Is it spring already?

It’s time for an update. More than one week has passed and I am doing quite well. Due to the fact that the city is not so unknown to me anymore I found my way pretty fast. The first days I spent at my cousin’s place, went to Skansen (a big museum outdoor park) on the weekend, took a ferry and just explored the city. Pretty good time, when the spring is coming and days become longer. Midsummer has to be awesome from what I have heard. Sure, it will!

Spring in Stockholm:

I already started with work
last Tuesday and it’s pretty fine till now, but the language is still hard to get used to it ... but’s that one reason I came here, isn’t it. It will work out! Meanwhile days got a little bit colder and, in fact, it was snowing today that pretty sucked. I went to a show at Kafe44 of the Belgium band ‘Verify’ (MySpace) and a band from Sweden called ‘Meeleh’ (MySpace). The last one was pretty good. I liked their breakdown parts.


- Swedish escalator (faster than anywhere else!)

- Spring time

- Mac at work


- Swedish price level

- Japanese fashion style (wtf?)

- Talking to people and afterwards not knowing what their name was

1 comment:

Atzec said...

yo, ich hab den blog jetzt erst entdeckt. coole sache.

heads up nach schweden.

dein alpen-japaner