Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Review 'Evolution of a Cro-Magnon'

This guy has a story to tell! I have just finished the book "The Evolution of a Cro-Magnon" by John Joseph (MySpace). For everybody out there who does not know John Joseph. He was the vocalist of the legendary hardcore band "Cro-Mags" from NYC. In this book he writes about his life and the stages he has gone through. Sometimes it really feels that he would sit right next to you and you cannot believe what he is telling you. He speaks about his early life being a foster kid and being abused by his temporary parents, how he escaped the children's home and chose a life on the street by selling drugs. He became a drug addict himself till he became a Hare Krshna and finally ending up by founding the band "Cro-Mags", which became one of the most famous band in hardcore history ... but the story is not over yet. Well, to sum it up it's a great book about ups and downs, right and wrong decisions in life and contains so many important lessons on it. The entire book is well worth reading, because along the story it is sprinkled with hilarious anecdotes, shocking moments and instructive conclusions. Somehow, it seems to me that John has written this book to get a lot of shit off his chest. Many different persons and situations crossed his way sometimes in a good, but more often in bad way. Take yourself as an example ... oftentimes it feels much better afterwards when you put something to paper. John Joseph just wrote an entire book. That's the cover...
I recommend this book not only to hardcore kids who are into Cro-Mags or punkrock music in general, but also to everyone else who want to read an interesting story about life and different perspectives on it.
Try to find the book on the internet for a supplier. It has been published on Punkhouse, which is an alternative label. Probably you won't get it everywhere, but the search will be worth it.
Please also check out the episode 29 of Issue Oriented, which features an interview with John Joseph. Awesome dude!

Stay classy!

- Running
- Pumping iron :)

- Ironing
- Credit cards

Song for this post:
Cursed - God and Country (from the album "I")

Thursday, April 10, 2008


I've just watched the game of FC Bayern vs. Getafe and I've decided to be football fan again. Awesome game!

- Falafel
- Soccer

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Did I say anything about spring in Stockholm? I guess, I was wrong. This was the view out of my window this morning. Damn!

I forgot to mention that the concert at the place Kafe44 (MySpace) yesterday had to shut down at 10 p.m., because they have always problems with the neighbours. So, the timeframe for every was very strict. The guys on stage were shouting to each other like, e.g.:
-"How much time do we have left"
-"Four minutes"
-"Last song, let's do this fast!"

- Vegetarian sushi

- Snow in April

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Is it spring already?

It’s time for an update. More than one week has passed and I am doing quite well. Due to the fact that the city is not so unknown to me anymore I found my way pretty fast. The first days I spent at my cousin’s place, went to Skansen (a big museum outdoor park) on the weekend, took a ferry and just explored the city. Pretty good time, when the spring is coming and days become longer. Midsummer has to be awesome from what I have heard. Sure, it will!

Spring in Stockholm:

I already started with work
last Tuesday and it’s pretty fine till now, but the language is still hard to get used to it ... but’s that one reason I came here, isn’t it. It will work out! Meanwhile days got a little bit colder and, in fact, it was snowing today that pretty sucked. I went to a show at Kafe44 of the Belgium band ‘Verify’ (MySpace) and a band from Sweden called ‘Meeleh’ (MySpace). The last one was pretty good. I liked their breakdown parts.


- Swedish escalator (faster than anywhere else!)

- Spring time

- Mac at work


- Swedish price level

- Japanese fashion style (wtf?)

- Talking to people and afterwards not knowing what their name was

Monday, April 07, 2008

Departure & arrival

That's a post which was supposed to be here at this place already more than a week ago!

Now, I’m sitting here and waiting for my flight to Stockholm. Three months again away from home. Let’s see what the time will bring. Definitely it’s the best thing to do at the moment ...
The last days were pretty though. I had to clear my rooms in our flat. Everything have to be taken out, except of the furnitures. To take of every piece of your stuff in your hands in order to put it in a box or a bag, makes you really emotional. Every piece tells a story and the more you put away the emptier your life becomes. Sitting finally in almost empty rooms and packing all your important belongings for the next months in your luggage is pretty weird. No wonder that I had to declare excess package and to pay 20 Euro extra for it. Well, I don’t care right now, because sitting here, already checked in and looking out to the field where airplanes taking off, it puts a smile back on my face. Can’t wait!

I want to talk shortly about restrictions when it comes to accessing the airport and the flight gates. There are these limitations
on liquids that you are only allowed to take a certain amount of liquids with you in your hand luggage. In addition to this, everything has to be put together in a transparent plastic bag. They came up with this shit because there was one terrorist attack by putting liquids together and creating a lethal danger for the passenger. Well, I don’t know if they could have a better solution for the restriction, but you have no chance than to follow the rules. You have no opportunity about it and the simply the best thing is that you are taking nothing with you. What I don’t understand are people who going through the security check and wondering why all their stuff such as shaving foam, perfumes, drinks and so on will be taken away. The guy entering the security check before me was such kinda guy. Such a lot of stuff ended up in the garbage cane. Congratulations. Don’t you get it!
On the other hand, no one at the airport have checked my ID. Neither the girl at check in, nor the person at the gate. There is an error in the system. No doubt about it!

- Munich Airport Terminal 2: Free coffee everywhere
- Cro-Mags

- Excess package