Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Have you ever splept in a room like the one you can see in the picture on the right side. This was my shelter for 3 nights in the nice beautiful city of Lund. The youth hostel was an old train from the 40s/50s and they kept the spirit alive. The city was nice, but not the accommodation for 20 Euros per night.
This was the only thing to complain about ... the rest of my time in Sweden were pretty satisfying. The people at the IIIEE (Institute for International Integrative Environmental Economics, wasn´t it??) were really a big help for my case study. Free access to the library, all sources available, interview contacts.... only to name a few of things, which they helped me out with. Because of the great support, I´ve finished my researches and got all my stuff together, earlier than I´ve
expected, and I´ve already gone home last saturday.
Like the journey towards Sweden, the way back has also taken more than 24 hours and
was jeopardized by a storm over the Baltic Sea. It was not sure, if the ferry would leave the harbour. But in the end, the only problem were 5 buses with Russian families conquering the boat and sleeping in all available places. Surrounded by a bunch of trucker and the eastern-european crowd I fell asleep and hugged very close my bagpack. Wonderful to be back in a big bed, where is also space for the two of us.

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