Saturday, August 30, 2008

Good times

I'm back on the road or let's say it in a different way that I have really started traveling. Before I tell now where I am and what I am doing, I wanna look back on these few weeks I had in Germany after my return from Sweden. Before I was about to come home I was really worried how I am gonna spend my time, if me and my friends get along well again and how it would generally be to be back. I have admit I was really afraid. I ask myself why? ... 5 weeks have passed like a blink of an eye. It was an awesome time and I had a hard time to do everything what I wanted to do. Beside of the organization of my trip, which has really taken a lot of time and power, I did so many things with my friends and my family that I was really sad that the weeks have gone by so fast. Though, I was looking forward to my trip I fallen in love again with Munich, with my life and my friends there. Probably, you have to go somewhere else and then to come home to be able to value what you really have. Now, I am gone again and it takes time till I get back again, but I know that I have some true friends out there where I always can go back to.

Thanks to my family and my friends!