Friday, May 25, 2007

hey dudes, again I have to admit that I haven't taken care of my blog. wha'eva'..... I came back from Vietnam in the beginning of april and the time was awesome. Of course, not everything was cool, because we have often seen the gaps between rich and poor, nice and ugly, modern and just discusting .... well, I don't mean that discusting would be the opposite of modern. It's just the standard of protection of environment and culture. So, we all have learnt a lot and if I find some time I will upload some files. I promise ... hahaha!
Meanwhile, I'm working already at the Gato AG in Munich. It's pretty nice and there a lot of interesting projects going on.
It's summer in Munich and I drive around with my Vespa all the time, go hiking or making barbeque (like I will do it tonight!).
Well.... here from you soon!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Oh lord, it has been while since I've updated my blog the last time, but most of you haven't even known that it exists. Therefore nothing to worry about.
Since November has happened a lot and in the next weeks will happen much more. Just to tell the important facts:
- I handed in my final thesis 2 weeks ago and it feels pretty to got rid of this dark cloud above my head
- Tomorrow I'm going to have my last day at my old job and I will start in the mid of April a full-time internship for six months at a consulting agency in Munich called Gato AG (, check it out!).
- Next monday I will go to Vietnam for 2 weeks. It will be an excursion of my university to establish a cooperation with the university of HaNoi. Therefore the costs won't explode, because the school will carry the most of it. Lucky me! As soon as I'm back I will post some pics or write something during my journey.
Ok, stop by again, if you can.